Fundraising in the Kitchen

Doris Lee


6 July 2022

When I first heard of Covenant EFC’s Seed Fund Faith Journey, I conveniently told God, “I am not working and thus have no income to give. Speak to my hubby who is gainfully employed and I will be happy to support whatever amount you put in his heart!”

I then heard a small voice asking me, “Is that all you can do?” I began to search my heart and knew that God wanted me to take personal responsibility too for this Seed Fund Faith Journey to bless the next generation.

I asked God, “What can I do?” Since I have a great passion for cooking, I thought the best way to serve Him would be to use my talent that He has freely bestowed upon me to raise funds.

I posted on Facebook offering to cook for any small gathering as a way of raising funds for my church. After doing so, I got so many orders coming in week after week that I had to decline quite a few as I couldn’t cope. God is good, however, and I managed to raise half the amount that I have pledged so far, and am hoping to raise the full amount by end of this year! I’m so happy that I can do something for God through such small a way which I also enjoy!

A collage of food

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Doris Lee
Woodlands Centre
June 2022