Leaders' Heartbeat
God may give us a vision. God may give us a dream. But it will usually not materialize in the way we expect! The road is often long. The challenges are many. And it is, by divine design, no express ticket to the Promised Land!

We’ve often heard that the Seed Fund faith journey is not merely about a church building, but building the church. How does our giving actually lead to the building of the church?

“God then showed me that the fundraising is really a platform for faith-raising in the congregation.”

“Every journey is unique and special. Each faith journey deepens us and draws us closer to the Lord and His purposes for our life.”

This Seed Fund Faith Journey is a journey of faith for our community. As we embark on this journey, every one matters!

“And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus.” – Acts 5:42