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Every One Matters

Elder-Designate Roger Loh


19 January 2023

A trickle becomes a wave, cascading into a big difference in the community. 

During the BPJ building journey, I was very excited about the church vision and was ready to contribute. However,  I did not have much finances  then as  a student. What I eventually gave was not very much, even though it was a very large fraction of my savings at that time. When the final numbers were tabulated at the end of the BP journey, the congregation marvelled at how the church, which was only 300 to 400 strong then, managed to raise the funds needed. “It surely had nothing to do with me,” I thought at that time, since without my contribution the total funds collected would not have changed much.  

Did what I give really matter?  

Practically, it did not matter.  

Yet in a fund raising journey, every one matters, regardless of the amount that we give.  

It matters to the Giver  

Giving is something between you and God. The amount given is not as important as the manner in which it was given. Giving matters for the giver because it leads us to be more invested in the vision that we are giving towards. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt 6:21). In my case, it led to an amazing journey with Covenant EFC in its first building journey. Covenant EFC had a vision to “Love Bukit Panjang”. I was leading a CG then and we “adopted” a block at Jelapang Road. We went door to door to share that a church was about to be built. God blessed us with a family who was willing to open up their place for our CG to meet. So, we “entered” the land even before the church building was completed! Giving to the vision was intertwined with participating in the vision and seeing the vision fulfilled.  

It matters to God   

Besides contributing towards the building of a physical facility, our giving also matters to God. While God can achieve His purposes without our help, He gives us the opportunity to participate. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Giving is a sign of our obedience and God gives us the opportunity to be a part of what He is doing in the church.   

Finally, it matters to the Community   

It is true that any single act in itself usually matters very little. Yet because we belong to a community, an action by someone will influence another to action. And those who are influenced will themselves influence others. A trickle becomes a wave, cascading into a big difference in the community.  

This Seed Fund Faith Journey is a journey of faith for our community. As we embark on this journey, every one matters!