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Target $40M
Our Journey Thus Far
February 2024
Successful Ballot of Sengkang Land
We saw the Hand of God! Grace shaped the verdict. We became an unmerited recipient of God’s grace! Our God of “How much more” prevailed.
September 2022
Covenanters’ Pledges
Covenanters resume the journey by offering their pledges on our 44th Church Anniversary.
May 2022
Leaders’ Pledges
The church board, staff team and lay leaders first came on board to resume the journey by offering their pledges.
January 2022
Resuming the Journey
The church leadership received a clear sensing from the Lord to resume the journey after a two-year pause through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bedok 101 Journey
The Lord led us on a journey to consider this land. While this was ultimately not where we would establish our third centre, He used it to open our eyes and hearts to the needs of our land, and to continue to grow our trust in Him.
Fundraising Dinner
Fundraising dinner was held in conjunction with our 40th Anniversary where Covenanters contributed art pieces in various forms for auction. The proceeds were donated to the Seed Fund.
Firstfruits — CEFC 40th Anniversary
Our Seed Fund Faith Journey started during our 40th Anniversary Service where Covenanters offered their first fruits to the Lord.
East Centre
Our third centre was planted in the East to anchor our presence and reach out to the community.
ACK Centre
A God-led initiative to house our production and training centre.
Moving ahead
Vision 2028 and Beyond
The Lord leads us forward in our IDMC movement to disciple the generations, disciple Singapore and disciple the nations.