Our Faith Journey
Go all In for Jesus and His Kingdom!
Let’s build His Church.
Thank you for giving! We are almost at our goal of 40 million
Pray with us for
God to grant our leadership wisdom as we enter this journey of building up Sengkang and as BPJ centre prepares for the upcoming A&A.
Our CEFC Property Faith Journey: God-sized Vision, Spirit-led Adventure
God may give us a vision. God may give us a dream. But it will usually not materialize in the way we expect! The road is often long. The challenges are many. And it is, by divine design, no express ticket to the Promised Land! But it will be better, infinitely better – if we embrace a […]
...Building the Church
We’ve often heard that the Seed Fund faith journey is not merely about a church building, but building the church. How does our giving actually lead to the building of the church? And all the more so, since the pandemic seems to suggest that we can function as an online church without the need of […]
...My Journey as a Faith-Raising Chairman
We are led by the Lord
The Lord has led us through over 40 years of His faithfulness and goodness. Today, the same God is leading us. While the Seed Fund Faith Journey has been disrupted due to the pandemic, in the past few months, the church leadership have sensed a clear leading of the Lord to resume this faith journey now.
Joshua 1:9 reminds us, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
We act neither according to our own desires and intellect, nor with fear and hesitation. Our posture remains as one constantly seeking the Lord and being sensitive to His guidance and wisdom.
We stand together as a Covenant family
As the Lord leads, we are called to stand together as a Covenant church family to journey on. We must follow the footsteps of those who have run before us in building Bukit Panjang (BPJ) and Woodlands (WDL). Both centres have now become a safe base, a home for us. We now enjoy the fruits of the labour of our forerunners, and many of us who have faithfully and obediently built His church.
As a family, we must now find a more permanent home for our East congregation. Since planting our first seed in the East in 2016, the congregation has grown from 250 to close to 1,000 members now. We praise the Lord for this! We now need to give them a greater sense of permanency to allow them to anchor and integrate strongly in the community — to further grow and bless!
Beyond this, we have been blessed with the ability to complete recent renovations at WDL Centre to better cater to the youths and children, as well as, to make ready funds for other A&A and building projects for BPJ and WDL Centres in the coming years.
We are future-ready and forward-thinking
Our mission is to win souls, change lives and send workers, as we anchor ourselves in our 3 Faith Exploits: Discipling the Generations, Discipling Singapore and Discipling the Nations.
As we become future-ready, we are building “a church without walls”. Our physical buildings are created to be more community-oriented to allow for integration of services and spaces for the children, youths and silver generation. Our worship centres double up as community services and ministry spaces, through various efforts including New Life Community Services.
We are also adopting a dual physical-and-digital strategy where there are spaces for non-substitutable in-person interactions, and a base for content creation and outreach through the digital world.
Hear the faith stories of some of our Covenanters
“Building a church building is brick and mortar. Building lives in the next generation for the kingdom of God has eternal value.” Click to watch
Guok Suan Choo
Tian Ai's Story — a place where she can know God more and experience His love through a community. Click to watch
Tian Ai
“As we prayed about the Seed Fund, we were led to give an amount that was very large for us. Though it wasn’t emptying our accounts, it left us with very little savings.” Click to read more
Jonathan Goh
We praise God for leading us to Sengkang!
our new centre in Sengkang
A Church Without Walls
A space that draws the community in
and points people to Jesus
L1 Fellowship Hall
L1 Entrace to Church From the Rear
L1 Iconic Stairway (visible from outside)
Coffee Corner (visible from outside)
L2 Main Auditorium
A Place of God's Joy and Rest
God’s sanctuary of shalom
in a weary world
L2 Post-service Newcomer Fellowship Space
L3 Chapel
A Home for All Generations
A space to disciple generations
of disciple-makers
L4 Classrooms for Children
And there's more!
- Entire floor (L5) for youths to worship and fellowship, with multi-purpose hall and various rooms – will be doubled up for weekly community activities
- Al-fresco rooftop BBQ space for all generations
Giving as
the Lord leads
Your giving will go to
the building construction of church in Sengkang
and in BPJ centre’s upcoming A&A.
I have questions
1. Why should we be giving to build things on earth when we should be looking forward to the return of Jesus?
To answer this, we need to have a proper eschatological understanding of the end-days and what will happen when Jesus returns.
Firstly, when Jesus returns, the earth will not be destroyed and replaced by something else. Instead, it will be restored and renewed. When the Bible speaks of a new heaven and a new earth when Jesus returns (2 Pet 3:12-13; Rev 21:2), the Greek word for ‘new’ used is not ‘neo’ (which means new in time, completely new) but ‘kainos’ (which means something that is qualitatively new or restored). Therefore, the passages are not alluding to a heaven and earth that are destroyed and then replaced by heaven and earth that will be newly created. Instead, they are both speaking of the current heaven and earth passing from one condition to another (parachomai), and being qualitatively renewed (kainos) to their full glory.
Based on this understanding then, what we do on earth now, matters. As Christians, we are often reminded to bless the communities where we live (Phil 2:15; Col 4:5–6; 1 Thess 4:11–12; Tit 2:9–10). Hence, the work we do now, the relationships we build now, and the places we grow roots in now will continue on in a glorified manner when Jesus returns.
2. Is the $40m Seed Fund to be used solely for Covenant Sengkang only?
The Board has been authorised by a resolution passed during AGM 2019 to acquire and purchase a property for a sum not exceeding $40m, which includes cost of land purchase, construction, renovations and other necessary expenses.
Following the successful balloting of the land in Sengkang, this $40m Seed Fund will be channelled solely for the use of Covenant Sengkang, including the purchase price of the land and the remaining to be used for construction and other purposes as stated above.
3. What about BPJ lease renewal and A&A? Do we have sufficient funds?
The $40m Seed Fund will be used only for Covenant Sengkang. The funds needed for BPJ Centre’s lease renewal and A&A will be from a separate source that comprises saved and invested funds from past years of church surpluses. Hence, there will likely be no fundraising needed for BPJ Centre’s lease renewal and A&A.
4. There is a requirement from HDB to incorporate community outreach for the new building. How do we intend to do so?
Our heart is always towards serving and outreaching to the community that we are located in. The land in Sengkang is situated amidst diverse socio-economic surroundings which provides many opportunities for us to do so. A Covenant Sengkang Building Committee has been set up to look into the building plans.
Ways to Give
Let’s go all in for Jesus and His Kingdom
in building His church.
Please remit to:
UEN: S92SS0116BCBF or scan the QR code below. Please enter your contact number in the Reference field.
(Scan with your Banking Application)

Telegraphic Transfers / Electronic Banking
Please remit to this account:
Beneficiary: Covenant Evangelical Free Church
UOB Bank Account: 393-300-802-7
Bank Code: 7375
Branch Code: 437
Crossed Cheques / Bank Drafts / Money Orders
Payable to Covenant Evangelical Free Church
(indicate “For Building Fund” behind the cheque).